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1700 agents in Ottawa
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123 Maple St, Ottawa, ON
4 beds 3 baths
101 Pine Rd, Ottawa, ON
5 beds 4 baths
Coming Soon
456 Oak Ave, Ottawa, ON
3 beds 2 baths
242 Cedar Cres, Ottawa, ON
4 beds 3 baths
92 Birch Ln, Ottawa, ON
4 beds 2 baths
111 Redwood Avenue, Ottawa, ON
4 beds 3 baths
242 Spruce Court, Ottawa, ON
3 beds 2 baths
2-421 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON
1 beds 2 baths
82 McNaughton Ave, Ottawa, ON
2 beds 2 baths
53 McNaughton Ave, Ottawa, ON
2 beds 1 baths
90 Main St., Ottawa, ON
2 beds 1 baths
2-421 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON
1 beds 2 baths
82 McNaughton Ave, Ottawa, ON
2 beds 2 baths
53 McNaughton Ave, Ottawa, ON
2 beds 1 baths
90 Main St., Ottawa, ON
2 beds 1 baths
2-421 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, ON
1 beds 2 baths


Why might a listing appear on Knokd but not on public portals?
There are several reasons why a listing might be available on Knokd but not on public platforms.

Coming Soon Listings: These are properties that will be listed publicly but aren’t available on the market yet. By sharing their listings on Knokd before the official MLS date, agents can generate early interest and excitement. Knokd gives you access to a sneak peek of these upcoming listings in your area.

Exclusive Listings: Not everyone wants to list their property publicly. Some sellers prefer a more private sale, want to avoid the hassle of open houses, or may simply want to test the market first. While agents aim to sell these homes like any other, they use Knokd to share these exclusive listings with you.

Assignment Listings: These are listings for new construction properties where the buyer does not yet have possession. The purchase rights to the property have been assigned to the buyer for a future date. These listings rarely appear on public portals because builders often restrict marketing to avoid competition with their own available inventory.

Knokd offers access to these unique listings that might otherwise go unseen on public platforms.
Is Knokd totally free?
Yes. It’s totally free. We will pair you with a Knokd Partner that can answer any questions you have and if you end up using them as an agent you will need to enter into a contract with them, but that is totally up to you, and totally outside Knokd.
Where is Knokd available?
Knokd is available to everywhere in Canada but our strongest networks are in Ottawa in Toronto. This is where you’ll see the vast majority of listings.
How does Knokd get its listings?
Real estate agents add them to Knokd themselves. There are thousands of agents on the Knokd platform and they use it to share listings that aren't suited for public portals.
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